
What Is Website Domain? A simple Explanation with Examples

top-level domains


In the context of the internet, the term “domain” can encompass both the organizational structure of the internet itself and the arrangement of network resources within an organization. Broadly speaking, a domain or top-level domain represents a realm of control or a field of expertise.

What Is Internet Domain?

An internet domain is an organizational structure for internet services, often synonymous with “domain name.”

Facilitated by the Domain Name Service (DNS), it translates user-friendly domain names into IP addresses globally. DNS, vital for internet functionality, operates as a decentralized system.

Users access content by typing domain names, thanks to DNS’s translation of names to IP addresses. Each domain is identified by a unique IP address, enabling direct internet device communication.

The hierarchical structure involves a Root domain overseeing top-level domains (TLDs) like .com or .org, with individual domains underneath.

DNS servers efficiently manage queries, often relaying cached information for faster online access.

A domain name is like the address you type into a web browser to visit a website. It’s a useful tool for building brand awareness, marketing products, and boosting sales. This article explains what domain names are, the different types, and tips for picking the perfect one for you.

What is a domain name?

A domain name, often just called a domain, is the web address of a site. It’s what you type in your browser to get to a website’s main page. A domain name usually has three parts separated by dots:

{{Subdomain or third-level domain, like www

Second-Level Domain (SLD), which is the website’s name

Top-Level Domain (TLD), like com}}

For example, in the URL, the complete domain name is “www.” The subdomain is “www,” the SLD (website’s name) is “techinfowinners,” and the top-level domains is “com.” Nowadays, you often don’t need to include the “www” when typing a domain name.


A domain name is just one part of a URL (Uniform Resource Locator).

A URL combines a domain name with other details like the protocol (like http), the separator (://) between the protocol and the website’s name, and subdirectories (like /category/wordpress-theme in the URL

The protocol (usually HTTPS or HTTP) is how your browser talks to the internet. The subdirectory helps direct users to a specific page within a website.

The Domain Name System (DNS)

The Domain Name System (DNS) is like a giant phonebook for the internet. When you use a web browser, it uses the DNS to turn website names into special codes called IP addresses. These codes help devices and networks find and connect to each other. Since these codes are long and tricky, people use simpler names, called domain names, that they can type into browsers.

If you want a special name for your website, you can register it with a group called the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Usually, businesses use a name that matches their business name. They aim for easy and recognizable names so customers can easily visit their website. They can also use this special name for their email addresses connected to the business.

Types of Domains Explained in Simple Terms

When it comes to domain names, there are a few important things to know. Let’s break it down:

Data Transfer and Bandwidth:

1. Top-Level Domains (TLDs):

Top-level domains are like the last part of a website address, and they’re usually things like “.com” or “.org.”

Each top-level domains has a specific purpose. For example, “.com” is for businesses, “.org” is for organizations, and so on.

There are some common ones managed by an organization called ICANN, like “.com,” “.org,” “.gov,” “.edu,” “.net,” “.mil,” and “.int.”

2. Country-Code TLDs (ccTLDs):

These are like top-level domains but specific to a country. For example, “.us” is for the United States, “.fr” for France, and so on.Originally meant for people in that country, but now some countries let others use them too.

3. New gTLDs:

These are newer and more creative top-level domains. Instead of the usual ones, you can have things like “.app,” “. cool,” “. bank,” and many more.Some companies even have their own special top-level domains with their brand name.

4. Second-Level Domains (SLDs):

This is the main part of a domain name, like the name of the website. For example, in “www.,” “techinfowinners” is the SLD. You can use letters, numbers, and hyphens when picking an SLD.

5. Third-Level Domains or Subdomains:

These come before the main part of the domain and show the type of server a website connects to.The common one is “www,” which stands for World Wide Web, but it’s optional now.

Domain owners often create subdomains to organize different sections of their websites. Here are some examples: This directs visitors to the e-commerce part of the website, where they can easily browse and buy products or services. Many businesses have a blog section to attract online traffic and market their products. Using blog. as a subdomain helps promote digital content effectively. Including a support. subdomain is useful if your website provides customer support services, resources, or tutorials. It streamlines customer inquiries and issues. If you want your website to host an application or allow users to access it online, having an app. subdomain makes it clear that users are visiting the online version of an app.

Examples of Different Domain Types:

Protocol/ Subdomain

Second-Level Domain

Top-Level Domain (TLD)





Address with a generic top-level domains for nonprofit organizations




Address with a country-code top-level domains for Japan




Address with a new gTLD for a company or corporation




Address with a country-specific second-level domain (.co) – the actual domain name (example) becomes the third-level domain here




Address with a subdomain for a Spanish-language website


How do you register a domain name?

To register a domain name, reserve it through a domain registrar like Google Domains or Namecheap. Renew it annually, with fees ranging from $12 for a .com domain. After registration, connect it to your web hosting provider or servers to guide the domain to your website.

Selecting the perfect domain name involves considering several key factors:

  • Keep it brief and straightforward.
  • Ensure easy typing, spelling, and pronunciation.
  • Avoid numbers and symbols for clarity.
  • Make it your business title.
  • Ensure distinctiveness to prevent brand confusion.
  • Align the top-level domains with your organization’s goals.
  • Opt for “.com” for better recognition.
  • Confirm availability using an online domain checker.
  • Use keywords for improved SEO rankings.